The monthly competition is open to all members. Each entry must be ready to show 15 minutes after the starting time of the meeting. Entries will not be accepted after that deadline. There will be no charge for entry in the monthly bowl show.

Fish must be displayed in empty drum bowls or clear flat-sided containers only. One fish per bowl, or one fish per compartment in a tank that is divided. The back, side and/or bottom may be painted. No background, other than possible paint, is allowed. No lighting is allowed.

Violations of the above rules will result in disqualification of the entry by the Bowl Show Committee. Any disqualification may be appealed to the presiding officer of the society. In case of disputed taxonomy, the decision of the judges will be final.

Voting for the monthly bowl show will be done in the following manor:
Every person attending the TBAS monthly meeting will be given 3 tickets when he/she come and sign in to the meeting.  Two of the tickets will be connected (orange) and one will not be connected (white). The voting for the bowl show winners will be done with the tickets . . . one for each category in the bowl show.  You will put the white ticket for your choice of first place in one category and then you will put the separated orange ticket for your choice in the second category.  After the voting is counted then the orange tickets that were used for the voting will be taken and put in a ‘hat’ and a winner will be chosen from the ‘hat’ to win a prize.

Judges will be the entire group that is present at the TBAS meeting the night of the TBAS meeting. The Bowl Show Committee (Bowl Show Chairman & President of TBAS) may eliminate any entry which does not warrant scoring.

Annual awards will be given to entrants scoring the highest number of points during the monthly shows of the competition year.

First Place.........................5 points
Second Place....................4 points

Third Place.........................3 points

Fourth Place.......................1 point

In addition, 1 award point per category you enter will be given each month of competition entered regardless of the number of entries by you. The 3 members with the highest point totals overall will receive awards at the conclusion of the competition year (January - November). Absent members may have their fish entered twice in one year by another member. All responsibility for the fish entered is assumed by the entrant. In case of disagreement, these official rules shall govern.
Awards vary year to year!

1. How creative is the artwork (i.e., mood, angle or setting, use of color, contrast).
2. Is there anything unusual or original about the artwork (medium or combination of mediums, subject, detail).

1. How well is the subject represented (does not have to be realistic; can be interpretive).

1. How well is the artwork done, various mediums (i.e., water color, photography, pencil, sculpture, etc.) - should not be sloppy or appear as if done in a hurry.

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